My latest article has been published by Your Middle East and examines the implications of the Iran nuclear deal, or the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for the region of Central Asia. I argue in favor of the deal finding that its implementation has the added benefit of salvaging US strategy in Afghanistan.
Tag Archives: Politics
Afghan-American Conference 2015
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” I was witnessed to the truth of this statement this past weekend at the very first Afghan-American Conference at UC Berkeley. While I don’t know what changes we’ll see in the future, I am certain that something has started.
5 Things to Remember About Iran
Ever since Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu flew out to Congress to wag his fingers at lawmakers and warn them against supporting the Obama approach to Iran, the country has been splashed all over the headlines. So-called experts have come out in droves to tell us what we should think but, mainly to frighten us about a country that we seem to know so little about. In America, we have an image of Iran that is stuck back in the 1970’s. We reduce representation of Iran to a country of dour and scary Imams and oppressed women. Undoubtedly, there is a lot to criticize about Iran, from its hard-line regime to its violations of civil liberties, but we also need to update our outdated ideas about the country. It’s time to see Iran as it truly is; a powerful and key player in the Middle East. Let the pundits spew out their polemic dross all they want, but let’s dispel some myths about Iran.
Afghanistan Election Break Through: Hope and Realism
Afghans defied threats of violence and all odds to cast their ballots for president in April. Though initially, results favored candidate Abdullah Abdullah, a former Foreign Minister, it was not enough to avoid a runoff. The runoff began in June with early reports favoring candidate Ashraf Ghani, the former Finance Minister. That was when it all fell apart. Both camps began to accuse one another of fraud and there were demands for a recount and even the threat of forming separate governments. The situation has been in deadlock until this past week.
My Article on Iraq, ISIS, & the Caliphate
The History News Network has published my article on the so-called Islamic Caliphate in Iraq set up by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria alternatively known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. My article is entitled, “The 10 Questions You Need Answers to About the Caliphate.” In the article I look at the historical background to the Islamic Caliphate, dispel some myths about the origins of the Sunni and Shia divide, examine the historical significance of this so-called caliphate and what it means for Muslims and for the United States. Everything you need to know about the situation. Be sure to check it out, like, and share!
My Latest Article
The History News Network has published my latest article analyzing the ongoing presidential elections in Afghanistan. I examine the parallels between the current political climate in Afghanistan alongside its previous attempt at democracy under Daoud Khan. The article examines the fundamental structural problems that any newly elected president will face in Afghanistan while exploring the difficulties and ruptures in political power and sovereignty. Be sure to check it out: